By Santiago Rodriguez, S.J.
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Editor’s note: Catholic devotions: why do they matter, what are they made of, what are they are not. In a strong and prescriptive phrase in his Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote “we ought to praise not only the building and adornment of churches, but also the images and veneration of them according to what they represent.” He seemed to press the point even further, writing “we should show our esteem for the relics of the saints by venerating them and praying to the saints. We should praise visits to Station Churches, pilgrimages, indulgences, jubilees, crusade insults, and the lighting of candles in churches.” For some, these devotions are the spiritual life-blood of the believing Church; for others they may seem simplistic or quaint. But in the spirit of our founder, we, too, seek to explore and understand the powerful role of devotions in the Church today.
The Rosary is a meditation on all important moments of salvation history.
– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Mom lives far. Strike that. Mom lives very far. It has been almost a year since I last saw her and I have missed her more than one could imagine. I am very grateful for life, the way she loves me, and the goodness in her life. There was a point in my life when I did not see that. We struggled to communicate. We didn't always see eye to eye. Heck, we got mad at each other, too. But over the years, we mostly enjoyed each other’s company and loved each other very much.
Like all mothers, mine is a worrier. At times, she was overprotective and, therefore, blames her grey hairs on us (just kidding Mom, you have no grey hairs – you dye them). All the good and crazy things that Mom does stem from her deep love for my brothers and me. She has always been our fiercest advocate and bodyguard. Hands down, Mom is my biggest cheerleader. She is always excited for me in all that I do. To her, everything is an opportunity that I am going to naturally excel at. She cheers me on in such a great manner that I never feel pressured.