By John D. O’Brien, S.J.
Friars’ visit, Wayside Academy, Peterborough, Ontario, 2004 (John O’Brien) |
Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst. – Matt 18:20
I must admit I chose this particular topic because I had never before given it adequate thought. It also seemed the least dramatic, and possibly for me the most hazily and haphazardly felt. The other manifestations of Christ were more clear to me, for I have experienced the power of the Word, the Logos leaping through a living text and speaking in the darkness. I have felt the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, in its radiant and pulsing reality. I have met Christ in the poor, and had my heart burn within me in their (and his) company. But, what about that simple promise in Matthew 18: where two or three are gathered in my name...?