This week we celebrated
the life and martyrdom of an Irish Jesuit brother, Blessed Dominic
Collins and the simplicity and holiness of a universally-celebrated,
Spanish Jesuit brother, St Alfonso Rodriguez. Within this context, I
couldn’t resist looking at their lives to see what it is about them
that informs and inspires our own lives as Jesuits and the lives of
so many of God's people. This exercise also gave me the opportunity
to contemplate the Brother’s vocation in the twenty-first century
and everything it may entail!
Let’s start with Brother
Alfonso. His vocation story was one marred with a lot of suffering.
He once was happily married and had three children. Then, within five
years, he witnessed the death of each member of his family due to the
same illness. His response to these events was one that exhibited
great character. He did not blame God for his loss, nor did he
become a bitter old man. Instead, he turned his grief into
meditation, into prayer. He was around 40 when he entered the Society
of Jesus (the Jesuits) as a lay brother.
Alfonso took great joy in
actively listening to those who came to him for advice, embracing
their uniqueness and dignity with his own brand of love and communion
with the Word of God. In other words, he set the world on fire by
quietly keeping the flames burning in the hearts of the many people
he encountered. He did so not by fixing their problems, but by
listening to them with all his heart. It’s a humbling lesson for us
as Jesuits, and as men and women of faith. Many of us want to go out
there and change or fix the world. And maybe we will, but the act
with which we accomplish this doesn’t have to be a grandiose one.
And now let’s look at
Brother Dominic, a martyr for the faith and a lesser known Jesuit.
Like St Ignatius of Loyola (the founder of the Jesuits), Dominic was
a military man. Originally from Ireland, he served in the French army
before he eventually served in the court of King Phillip II of Spain
as Governor and representative of the French king. Following his
service to the Spanish crown, he met a man named Thomas White (a
Jesuit) who introduced him to the Society of Jesus and inspired him
to desire something better for his life. Dominic entered the Jesuits
as a Brother in 1598.
Four years later he was
missioned to Ireland to look after the needs of the Irish forces
engaged in battle with the English. The town where he worked was
eventually captured by the English, who were excited to get their
hands on a Jesuit, hoping to get him to relinquish his faith through
torture. Not only did he not renounce it, but he expressed, and
professed his Catholic faith anew before his persecutors. This
infuriated them, and they executed him on the 31st of October 1602.
One element that affects
the story of these two brothers has a very contemporary relevance as
well: facing evil, and making sense of its presence in our world.
This past week, as we know, a Frankenstorm hit the East Coast of the
US and many nations in the Caribbean. In response to it, one of my
Jesuit friends in New York stated, “Natural disasters are difficult
to understand. For even the most devout person who may be faced with
a catastrophic loss, it can really shake them. It's one thing to read
about this in a theology book. It's another to have your house swept
away.” Both Alfonso and Dominic dealt with their own
incomprehensible hardships, but approached them from the same
premise: we don’t struggle through this alone.
Gospel passage for the feast of Blessed Dominic reflects that
sentiment perfectly, “whoever remains in me, and I in him, will
bear much fruit because without me, you can do nothing” (John
15:5). We must never stop talking about and longing to do everything
for the greater glory of God. Whether we achieve this through
martyrdom, spending more time with the homeless or having a more
fervent prayer life, we can’t do this alone. Alfonso and Dominic
understood this and this insight nourished and strengthened the
freedom which gave life to their vocations. The awareness that we are
not alone continues to inspire us to today. God is for us: we have
many saints and blesseds who serve us as inspiration. Saint Alfonso
Rodriguez, S.J. and Blessed Dominic Collins, S.J., pray for us.
Great article, Dan. These men seem to have lived the Gospel most radically in their own respective ways.